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Your Mum Isn’t ‘Winning’ Christmas This Year, Social Data Reveals

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All the marketing opinions that really matter.

Clare Jones By Clare Jones

In a shocking turn of events that's bound to upend the family dynamic this festive season, cutting-edge social data analysis has revealed that your mum, long considered the reigning champion of Christmas cheer, is no longer leading the pack. According to the numbers, which don't lie but do occasionally fib for dramatic effect, Dad and Sister have surged ahead in the race for Yuletide glory.

The data, harvested from a robust sample size of Facebook posts, passive-aggressive tweets, and the family WhatsApp group, suggests that Dad's decision to embrace the ugly Christmas sweater trend has garnered a groundswell of ironic support. Meanwhile, Sister's artisanal, hand-poured, soy-wax gingerbread-scented candles have lit up Instagram like, well, a Christmas tree.

Your mum's tried-and-true tactics of tinsel, fairy lights, and Michael Bublé on repeat have unfortunately seen a dip in popularity. Experts hypothesize that her failure to pivot to a more meme-friendly holiday strategy may be to blame. After all, in the cutthroat world of social media validation, what's trending is often more important than tradition.

"We've seen a 23% increase in 'Likes' for posts featuring Dad's sweater, which features a reindeer with suspiciously muscular arms," notes Dr. Holly Jolly, a professor of Festive Analytics at the University of Lapland. "And Sister's 'Stories' about her candle-making process—complete with a 'Spotify Wrapped' playlist that's all Mariah Carey, all the time—are resonating with the under-30 crowd."

In response to these findings, your mum has reportedly rolled up her sleeves and begun drafting a strategy for a comeback. Rumors of a top-secret "Gravy Algorithm" and a proprietary cranberry sauce recipe that includes "a hint of something you just can't put your finger on" have been circulating. When reached for comment, your mum simply winked and said, "Let's just say the Christmas pudding won't be the only thing that's lit this year."

Whether this data-driven approach to holiday festivities will restore your mum to her former glory remains to be seen. But one thing's for certain: this Christmas, the competition for the crown is more fierce than ever. And as the social media battlefield heats up, it's clear that in the game of thrones that is Christmas, you win or you cry into your eggnog.

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